HBS will maintain a transcript of each student's grades and award a certificate of completion to every student who graduates from the program. 哈佛商学院将保留每位学生的成绩单,并为每位完成项目的学生颁发一张结业证书。
Harvard awards a certificate of completion to each graduate and says it will maintain transcripts of the grades. Top performers receive an Honors or High Honors designation, similar to what Harvard MBAs get when they graduate from the school. 学院会向完成学业的学生颁发结业证书,并且校方会保留学生的成绩单。成绩突出的学生可以得到成绩优秀和优异的评价,与哈佛MBA毕业生的待遇类似。
Qualifying students will receive a certificate of course completion and an aromatherapy certificate pertaining to each specific aromatherapy course. 合格的学生将会获得一份结业证明和一张证书证明该名学生通过那门芳疗课程。
Subsequent to issuance of certificate of completion, the nominated Subcontractor shall not been exonerated of his responsibility in the event of further defects discovered thereafter. 颁布竣工证书后,不应免除指定分包商在以后发现的缺陷事件中的责任。
After the training, all participants will receive a Certificate of Completion awarded by FLA. 培训结束后,FLA将为所有学员颁发结业证书。
Dalian Smile Chinese International Language School is a non-educational school, so you can not be awarded certificate after the course, instead you can get a certificate of completion. 大连微笑汉语国际培训学校属于非学历教育机构,所以您在学习结束后不能得到文凭。但是,我们会给您颁发本校的结业证书并附上您的结业考试成绩。
A Certificate of Achievement will be presented at the completion of the course, provided the student meets the attendance requirement. 完成本次培训课程的学员将获得由新西兰教育部认可的新西兰商学院颁发的结业证书。
Rockway's Certificate of Graduation is issued upon successful completion of the OSSD and Rockway's Religious Studies requirements. 诺克威学校的毕业证书的颁发是基于成功完成安大略省中学毕业证书所规定的课程和宗教学习课程。
College students studying in Wuhan Qing U.S.animation related courses and passed the examination to be eligible for Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University issued the certificate of completion. 学员在武汉清美动漫学院学习相关课程并考试合格的,均可获得清华大学、清华大学美术学院颁发的结业证书。
After taking all the classes, the learners will be granted a certificate of completion on "Peking University EMP Course" subject to the submission of the paper and qualifications from examination. 学员修满所有课程后,通过提交论文及考核合格后方可授予“北京大学创业家EMP课程”结业证书。
If at all possible, dogs and handlers should get instructions from qualified teacher, preferably in a class. A certificate of completion of training in any dog obedience will be acceptable for honor. 如果可行,狗只及其主人应该参加正式狗只训练课程,完成后获得证书者,可接受为本荣誉证之要求得到完成。
Participants who complete the workshop will receive an official College for Creative Studies Certificate of Completion and certificates from Central Academy of Fine Arts. 完成培训营的学员将获得底特律创意研究学院和中央美术学院颁发的官方证书。
After consultation with the employer's representative for correct presentation and content and at the completion of the works, the nominated Sub-Contractor shall supply full set of prints to the employer's representative for approval, prior to the certificate of practical completion. 咨询业主代表正确的陈述和内容后,工程竣工时,指定分包商应向业主代表提供全套印刷本以供批准,随后颁发实际竣工证书。
Recently, Ningbo First Hospital for the three students from Africa, presented the "quotient ring of male circumcision in China International Training Course" certificate of completion. 近日,宁波市第一医院给三位来自非洲的留学生颁发了“中国商环男性包皮环切国际培训班”结业证书。
This certificate is awarded to TomFacai Wang in recognition of satisfactory completion of the basic brewing course conducted by Jack Lee. 王发财先生成功修完由李满仓主讲的酿造基础课程,特颁发此证。